Thursday, December 6, 2012

Oh, Christmas Tree!

This Christmas season, something magical has happened in my life. For the first time ever, I have a real... live... CHRISTMAS TREE!!! Ahhhhh!!! And here's my story...

My peeps & I ventured off to a local tree farm and hunted for our trees. I am indecisive, so this was a daunting task. But I finally found it! My perfect tree!! It's shorter than me but totally adorable and flawlessly shaped. After killing some spiders and wrestling it into its tree stand, I stepped back and stared... waiting for decoration inspiration. After a few days of watering, singing and smelling my tree, it hit me! (Not the tree, an idea!)

He's all tied up.


A singing tree! Decked out in music & silvery sweetness! And I'd be using what I have...sheet music! So I got straight to work.

I made a beautiful star tree topper with cardboard I had lying around. I used the template from this great tutorial. Then I covered it with music & sprayed it with some shimmery stuff.

Star of wonder!
But that wasn't all I tried my hand at. I decided to take some old ornaments that my mom no longer uses and do the same thing.

He's a handsome tree and his name is Sebastian.

And then! Apart from the tree, out popped this beautiful musical wreath.

Complete with cinnamon scented pinecones. Ah!

And I am awfully pleased with how it turned out!

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