Thursday, December 6, 2012

Oh, Christmas Tree!

This Christmas season, something magical has happened in my life. For the first time ever, I have a real... live... CHRISTMAS TREE!!! Ahhhhh!!! And here's my story...

My peeps & I ventured off to a local tree farm and hunted for our trees. I am indecisive, so this was a daunting task. But I finally found it! My perfect tree!! It's shorter than me but totally adorable and flawlessly shaped. After killing some spiders and wrestling it into its tree stand, I stepped back and stared... waiting for decoration inspiration. After a few days of watering, singing and smelling my tree, it hit me! (Not the tree, an idea!)

He's all tied up.


A singing tree! Decked out in music & silvery sweetness! And I'd be using what I have...sheet music! So I got straight to work.

I made a beautiful star tree topper with cardboard I had lying around. I used the template from this great tutorial. Then I covered it with music & sprayed it with some shimmery stuff.

Star of wonder!
But that wasn't all I tried my hand at. I decided to take some old ornaments that my mom no longer uses and do the same thing.

He's a handsome tree and his name is Sebastian.

And then! Apart from the tree, out popped this beautiful musical wreath.

Complete with cinnamon scented pinecones. Ah!

And I am awfully pleased with how it turned out!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Ah, Allergies!

I’ll be brief.

I have food allergies. I should be devastated.

Had this occurred a few years ago, I probably would have been a wreck and never explored the food realms as I have. But I feel that I’ve been given a gift. I’ve charted the cooking world without inhibition, often declaring “I’m so glad I have no food allergies!”. No news was in fact good news for me. Until now…

You see, the “bad” news has transformed into a beautiful thing. I am forced to step up my game in the kitchen. And I’ll be using what I have. Yes. I’m using my knowledge & foodie experiences to re-invent the tastes, textures & treats I’ve enjoyed in my former food-life. I am not missing out. I am stepping into a culinary challenge that I do believe I am well-equipped for.

This won’t be nearly as convenient, but it will be a tasty trip!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Dough-Not Forget, It's All Part of the Process!

A few nights ago, I got a carb-o-liciously good word from the Bread of Life! That's right, it's foodevotion time!

Background: My dairy-free friend was coming over for dinner and I was making sweet potato burgers, but when it came to the buns, I got nervous. So instead of risking her life by buying some tainted buns, I decided to make them myself so no trace of milky nastiness made an appearance. No big thing, right? I mean, come now, being the bakesta' that I am, you'd think I have extensive baking experience. No siry! In fact, to my recollection, I've never made yeasty bread without the aid of a mixer. And so began yet another journey into the kitchen.

I quickly learned (or not so quickly in this case, since it took a while for me) that bread-making goes in long, drawn-out phases. As I was mixing the dough components together, I became a bit frustrated. Cake batter is so smooth and reasonably quick in terms of getting everything incorporated. So this bread thing got to me, yet it was certainly something I wanted to see through! Things were crumbly and not coming together very well. I was instructed to add the liquid in a slow stream. My thought was that this would solve the problem of the lack of cohesiveness. But I still had wandering bits that refused to become a part of the whole.

Eventually all of the liquid was added and things took a drastic turn... but not in a good way. It was like a sloshy mass of paste. The sound of me kneading reminded me of running through a corn maze on a super soggy night. It was a mess... a sticky, sticky mess! Things came together at this point, but my hand felt like it was covered in a tub of glue that's gone way beyond it's normal state into a chunk of gloop remniscent of Slime Monster remains. My fingers were forced into sluggish movements 'cause they were enveloped in this dough explosion. And then came the addition of oil. The recipe said to knead until all of the oil was absorbed. While part of me felt like I was working on chewed up gum, I kept at it... and guess what?! The oil did in fact work its way throughout the dough and... it looked beautiful!

I'm not a very patient person, and this whole ordeal seemed to take foreeeever. But the end result was a perfect ball of dough that was uniform throughout and didn't stick to me!

And God spoke to me.

God is the baker, I am His dough. He's using what I have, even though I view it as unmixable & separate. He takes my scattered being and He brings it together. For He knows the recipe of life... He created the recipe my life. When I'm a little lumpy, He works it out. To Him, I make sense... even in my discombobulated state. He makes sense out of me. Yes, He's taking what I have, what He's provided for me and He's kneading it into perfection. He's adding just the right amount of every ingredient. And although there are phases of confusion, questions about how on earth things will come together, or just wondering how to get out of a sticky mess... He is at work. The scatteredness, the stickiness, it's all a part of a whole! In fact, it's essential for the end result. It's uncomfortable. It's gross. It's frustrating. But it makes for such a tasty, satisfying, Baker-pleasing result.

Looking back at the process of creating that bread, I'd say it's totally worth it. I am proud of it. It's my creation. If I like my vegan buns that much, I am pretty certain God feels that, times a bijillion about His creation... me! And YOU!! You see, the difference between me and God is that He's the ultimate bakesta' and He knows His work so well, even from the start. So those moments of discomfort ain't got nothing on Him. He knows the outcome.

In light of His mercy & love, and this foodevotion, this life's troubles seem rather small compared to the lovely loaf I'm becoming!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Trust is Hard

The way the Lord takes care of us still astounds me. His ways are perfect and beyond anything we can conjure up on our own. His provision comes from all places... and what often seems to be out of the blue. He gives me what I need, even though I think I need things a specific way. He gives resources, skills, creativity, and so much love and He mixes it all into a pot & produces miracles! Miracles, I say!

I've literally gone from saying "God, I just need a glimmer of hope!" to Him demonstrating His power and giving me that hope... the hope that a frail human being so needs here and there. Sometimes I claim that all hope is lost, but the truth is, hope is always there... I've simply stopped looking for it.

But He works all things together for my good & for His fame & glory. If I could just remember that! Does His Word repeat & declare time & again that trusting in Him is the best way to go? The stress free way to go? The anti-worry-wart way to go? Why do I insist on making my life so difficult?!

I sometimes try to "set myself up" for miracles. And then nothing happens. If Make-Your-Own-Miracle was a foundation, I'd probably have signed up for it by now. The cool thing about the God I serve is He doesn't need me. He doesn't need my efforts to show His power. That's not to say I need to be a lazy poo and wait for miracles. But I do believe as I step out and move forward in Him, He will take care of business. In daily needs, in relationships, in vision for life... in EVERYTHING! He is God, afterall.

At the start of this year, I prayed a prayer.

Hold me with your hope & love
I can't see quite far enough
Fill me with what only You can give
Speak Your purpose over my life
Rid me of all that I hold so dear & let Your Kingdom come
'Cause all I want is to love You & all I am is for You, Lord
Walk me down this path, oh Lord
Through the roses, through the storms
Draw me in & keep my gaze on You
'Cause all I want is to love You & all I am is for You, Lord
Take my past & present still
Lead my future as You will
All I am is for You, my Lord

Clearly, I recognize the truth of His Word. Over & over I've experienced the truth of His Word. So why do I still worry?! I think part of the remedy is that I need to thank Him more. I need to remember. Not necessarily live in the glory days, but remember that He has done great things in times when I couldn't see a solution. I'll probably definitely need Him to have this happen in my life.

Okay, Lord... do Yo' thang in me!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Feed 5000? No Big Deal.

I was reading the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand in the gospel of Mark (you know? the five loaves & two fishies story?). It was followed by yet another miracle where Jesus walks on water. All of this is pretty gnarly if you ask me... or if you ask anyone, for that matter. But as I was reading, something struck me as even more crazy. When Jesus came over to the disciples in their boat... through a storm... while walking on the water... the text says "They were totally amazed, for they still didn't understand the significance of the miracle of the loaves. Their hearts were too hard to take it in"

What the WHAT?! From my standpoint, I hear this story and say "Whoa, how can they not let that penetrate their hearts?! He turned these itty bitties into copious amounts of food!! It's sooo obvious!!"

And then I live my life and don't even acknowledge the goodness granted to me.

I know God is God and He can do anything. It's literally no big deal for God to do great things. He's God! But much like the disciples in this story, I treat it like it's no big deal. I feel like I probably take advantage of the knowledge of His infinite ability and hardly let it strike me!

So here's the thing... God is good. He provides. He doesn't even need us to be like "Oh look what You did!". He just takes care of His sheepies. But... at the same time... I want to see Him at work. I want to recognize His work! I want to thank Him for all His goodness!

I wonder how many miracles I encounter every day... but am so preoccupied and hard-hearted that I simply cannot see or recognize?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Death Is Dead

This is a broken world.
I am broken. You are broken.
But Jesus stepped into our broken mess.
He carried our pain.
He experienced our injustice.
He was crushed by our sinful ways.
Beaten. Bloody.
All the things wrong with us tore Him apart.
He was broken for this broken world... broken for us.

And because of His sacrifice, we have been healed and completely saved.

I love how the song below tells the story of how death met its death.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

It's Fairly Sweet

I'm a bakesta' and if you're a fellow baking-obsessed-person, you know that a featured ingredient is sugar. Sugar is a big deal. And apparently a world issue.

In the last year, the truth of injustice has been rapping at my life's door. There are so many things going on but I keep coming back to something near and dear to me. Here's a hint... it's tied to baking. Sugar!!

The sugar industry is kind of ugly. There is physical pain, exploitation, and even precious kiddies hurting... for the sake of sugar. The joy and comfort that sugar brings to so many baked goods disintegrates when I think of the torture endured for such sweet granules. Don't get me wrong, I will never not accept the baked-love of a friend or family member because they choose to use whatever-brand-of-sugar-that-may-or-may-not-promote-this-ridiculous-practice-across-the-globe. But since this whole baking ordeal is a common occurrence in my life, I've made a choice in my own baking practices. Not that every situation and circumstance in this world is guaranteed, but I'm going Fair Trade Sugar baby! It's not saving the world, I know. But it's a step forward.

So here's another component to all this. You know how food is a love language? Well I like to think about the people I food-prep for. But in the case of sugar, I'm challenged to reverse that. I want to be in prayer for those who are oppressed and abused for the sake of something I don't even consider a sweet luxury, but a "right". How dare me! As I am baking up a cake or cookie and use my fair trade certified sweetness, my hope is to pray for those who are on the flipside. Some say that's not much. But prayer is kind of powerful. Just ask God (if you ask Him, I've basically just tricked you into praying).

For me, this is not a social movement or anything. I'm really bad at being a part of those actually. This is about being mindful and prayerful towards those around me... near and far. We live in a broken world and while we cannot fix the entire mess of it, we're empowered by the One who can. So we pray and take steps as led to seek justice here on earth. Justice and hope aren't so far off as our days in eternity. We've been equipped with brains, hearts and convictions. We shouldn't ignore any of that.

In the grand scheme of life it may seem like my sugar endeavor is just a tiny little thing, but as this blog indicates our lives are about using what we have... whether it's knowledge, skill, passion, connections or a combo of all the above. I think it's pretty sweet.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Orange You Glad??

Today God spoke to me. He spoke to me through an orange peel. And I'm supa' [orange] juiced about it!

I was walking to the copier at work and had a fleeting thought about what God has done in me and the gifts He's popped into full throttle. Then I went to the place that we really shouldn't go, but often do. I thought "What if it was all a fluke? Maybe the things I've done well in were just a once in a lifetime thing!" And I got a little discouraged.

Then I got hungry and remembered I had an orange, much like the one I had eaten the day before. I pulled it out of my purse and recalled the sweet peel deal I had done the day before. I peeled it in one peel! It was really fun. It was kind of hard and it took me a little time, and I got some juiciness all over my hands. But it was a cute little thing to "reassemble" my peel... for kicks. What??! Don't act like you never try and do that! So I attempted it again, and much to my delight... SUCCESS!! Peeled it in ONE PEEL! It actually went a little quicker and was a little less messy too, which was a plus.

I had to take a picture. I get excited about silly things.

Victorious again! So I plopped 'em in cottage cheese.
But as quick as I got that last bit of peel off my orange, my previous stream of thoughts were brought back to light.

And God spoke to me.

He said that these things that have happened are just the start. He's not done.

I realize things won't be exactly the same way every time. Sometimes it will be a little quicker. Sometimes a little slower. Sometimes a little messy. And sometimes spick and span. The only thing I really know is that He started this goodness in me long before I was aware... and He gets to decide when it's all done! And, my friends, today... via orange-o-gram... God told me He ain't done! Orange you glad He's not finished with the work in YOU?!!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Food News

Whenever I eat something that pleases my palate, I have a natural tendency to tell people about it. I don't know if you read my soup story a few months ago, but it demonstrates this behavior in action. I will literally stop whatever is going on just to proclaim the greatness of a dish. The person I'm talking to may already know about the yumminess explained, the person might not even care or the person's interest could be perked. No matter the ears my food speech falls on, there's something that is inside of me which compels me to share the dance of my taste buds.

Good food should never be kept in secret
About two weeks ago, a client came into the office I work and the first thing he said to me was "You're the foodie!" So you can imagine my delight when the conversation lept into our latest food endeavors. There was a connection.

And God spoke to me.

I feel like this situation easily translates to all areas of life. When we share what we care about we spark interest in others, or bring out what is already in them. It forms a bond. A really great one.

I'm convicted to let this passionate way of action induced by good food seep into all areas of my life. Good food should never be kept in secret... and neither should any of our gifts or passions. When something excites us, we let people know (via words, via action... via mini-dance party?)! Likewise, when we start talking something up or doing things that reflect any given thing, it's usually a sign that we're excited! So whether we realize it or not... we're excited about stuff. Just look back at speech and thoughts. Excitement doesn't necessarily mean doing cartwheels and screaming from a mountain top... or it can. And, like it or not, being excited isn't always associated with happiness (but that's another blog for another day).

The things I care for, the things I have, the things that occupy my thoughts, the grace and mercy that has been given to me... the bread of life that sustains me and brings joy and love to the proverbial palate of my every moment, even when I'm unaware... I want to be obsessed with the things I was created for... and then I want the world to know!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

28 on the 28th

I've finally hit it. My golden birthday. I turned 28 years old yesterday and for the first time in ten years, I'm not melancholy about being another year older. Don't ask me why I always got saddened when I gained another year, 'cause I couldn't tell you exactly why.

I do remember turning 18 and someone saying "It's time to grow up now!" I think it might have scared me real bad or something... because from that moment on birthdays were not joyous occasions. In part, it was probably connected to the fact that "being an adult" automatically meant having everything figured out. And let me tell you, I was nowhere close to having it all figure out at 18. Goodness, I still haven't quite gotten it!

But as the years have gone by, I've slowly fallen into the truth that "figuring it out" isn't really my number one task in life. In fact I think the title of my entire blog is closer to what my life's goal should be! If I use what I have and am a good steward of the skills, gifts, passions and everything I have... I think it'll be alright. And I have to say, coming to this realization (and truly letting it sink in) definitely releases the "bondage" of adulthood.

So I've been taking the things given to me and using them as my dear Lord leads. Some days it makes total sense what is going on... and other days I'm as confused as ever. I think the important thing is using the stuff we have. Just use it! No matter how big or small it may seem. As we use things, we'll be blessed all the more and those gifts we have will grow. It's like one of those sea monkeys. They start off small but as it's watered up and soaking over a period of time... it grows. Okay, maybe it's not exactly like the sea monkeys, but you know what I'm saying!

And here I am. A 28 year old girl. Embracing all that the next year of life holds. I am so very excited to see where life takes me and how these God-given gifts and desires will play out in all that lies ahead.

It's not my job to figure out this life. It is, however, my job to follow the One who has it all figured out! Off we go!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

By Your Grace

In May of last year, I was spending time with the One who made me. I like to sing and so naturally one way I show my affection is through music. I was reflecting on how much confusion and brokenness I live in, and clinging to the fact that He is the only One who can pull me out. Out of this time, a simple chorus was formed and it got stuck in my head. As the week continued, the chorus gained some verses and a bridge.

My church family has been blessed with wonderful musicians and songwriters. These are people with experience and insight that goes far beyond anything I could imagine upon myself, so I feel blessed to be considered a part of this demographic. And because of this presence of writers, a songwriting group was formed. It just so happened that at the end of the week I wrote the song, we had one of our meetings. Through the sharing of the song and feedback received, I went back to work and "By Your Grace" became what it is today. It was really a demonstration of God's grace in how this song came about. His timing, His provision, His grace allowed for this song to come forth. And now a little more about the song...

You see, we live in a broken world and it is only by grace that we can be saved. There's darkness & confusion. Worry and sadness. But there is hope! And His name is Jesus. We call & cry out to God, and He pulls us closer to Himself and covers us by His love and grace. I am thankful.

I think we often try to earn our place in His kingdom, but there is just nothing we can do to deserve anything. And that's where grace steps in and takes us to glorious places. He takes the brokenness, the darkness, the stress, the crazy, the wrong and the right... and uses them all for His purpose & His will. Our job is simple & hard all at the same time for us humanly folk... to trust and obey. His grace covers all.

So as I share this song on this little bloggeroo, my wish is that you really adopt this song-prayer as your own and allow the comfort & knowledge of grace resonate within your soul. I've recently been given a beautiful opportunity to share this song in a more public manner. It's surreal and soooo cool all at the same time.... and yet another display of God's grace.

The darkness swells around me
All I see is empty space
Still You hold every part of me by Your grace
Lord, You save

I'm calling out Your name as I bow down
Calling out Your name as I cry
So pull me into You for I'm broken
Cover me by Your grace

You search and know and love me
In everlasting ways
So I call to You for mercy
And by Your grace
Lord, You save

I'm calling out Your name as I bow down
Calling out Your name as I cry
So pull me into You for I'm broken
Cover me by Your grace

Jesus, Jesus precious Jesus... hold me still
Jesus, Jesus how I trust Your grace and will

I'm calling out Your name as I bow down
Calling out Your name as I cry
So pull me into You for I'm broken
Cover me by Your grace

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Break To Open

So... apparently I am a songwriter. I know it sounds weird that I say it like that, but if you knew all my past insecurities about the matter you'd understand a bit more. But yes, God's given me this sweet gift of song-ifying. And though I can't confidently say this was always a part of who I am, maybe the truth is it was always a part of me and I simply wasn't aware. Until recently...

I used to think there was a special formula or something for writing songs. I have been blessed to know so many talented songwriters, and so while I knew it was not right to think this way... I felt I had a lot to live up to. After a while I just accepted the fact that I was a vocalizer, not writer. And I was okay with that.

But... you see, God put a song in my heart yet I didn't know it was there. But it doesn't matter that I was oblivious, 'cause He knew... and it was just a matter of time before it surfaced and broke free. It literally came out when my heart broke. How cliche is that? I don't mind though, because it's how God brought forth the gift in me. 

Songs are many things and encapsulate so much. Songs are dreams. Songs are thoughts. Songs are silly. Songs are prayers. 

Strange as it sounds, my first song started while I was sitting in a curriculum design class, almost two years ago now. I often write prayers to God and what started as a prayer of circumstance, turned into a prayer of life-surrender, which then became a musical prayer (aka song) that afternoon in my devo-time after class. I feel like the best part of this whole "becoming a songwriter" process was that the first song that I wrote is what I consider the very purpose for my music and being, period!

Every thought and every word, I trust in Your endless love
Every step my soul cries out "I surrender all"
I long for You

Glorify Yourself in me, all I desire is Yours
And as I look to You in all You have for me
All that I am is in You, Lord

Teach me in the ways of You, I am lost without
Grateful heart in all that comes from you, please show me how
I long for You

Glorify Yourself in me, all I desire is Yours
And as I look to You in all You have for me
All that I am is in You, Lord

It took brokenness for this gift to be open in my life. I had to break for it to open! And while being broken is not exactly the most comfortable thing in the world... there is no better comfort than being in the hands of the ultimate Healer. Now I've got this gift that I fully intend to use, remember the title of this blog? Using what we have. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

But because You say so...

I've been simmering on this story from Luke 5 for the last few days and I just can't seem to shake it...

"One day as Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret, the people were crowing around Him and listening to the word of God. He saw at the water's edge two boats, left there by the fishermen, who were washing their nets. He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from shore. Then He sat down and taught the people from the boat. When he had finished speaking, He said to Simon, 'Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.' Simon answered, 'Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because You say so, I will let down the nets.'"

And to cut to the chase, basically they put out their nets and caught more fish than imaginable. Amazing.

I try to do things the way they "ought" to be done. I follow the rules and go the safest route possible. But I am gradually learning that ultimately I'm not the one calling the shots. Now, keep in mind, there is nothing wrong with working hard and trying to get 'er done! But I like to think I'm pretty logical. So if something doesn't add up quite right, I hardly give it another thought. 

Simon (aka Peter) worked his tail off the night before, during the prime time for fish catching. And nothing happened. So when this God-man came around with advice that went against all he knew to be true, I wonder what went through his mind. I mean, he basically said "We already tried... during the best time of day, at that! Your advice doesn't make sense". But it doesn't really matter that he said that, right? Because what he said next was what mattered most. "But because YOU say so, I'll do it!" And before he knew it, there was a fish fest in his boat!

So I guess it doesn't matter if the prompting of the Lord defies gravity. If He says it, we best be doing it. Because He knows better than all of humanity and goes beyond all that makes sense. I'm glad I know Him. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Running Into Closed Doors

There's a girl walking down a long, dark hallway. Every few strides there are open doors off to the side. Doors promising hope of finally getting out of this never-ending hall. So she breathes deeply and walks up to the closest door. Maybe this time the door will stay open long enough for her to walk through. But it closes just as she is ready to enter. She knocks on the door... yanks on the handles trying to pull it open... and it won't budge. It's not going to let her in. Soooo she probably wants to throw a tantrum right there. And let's be real here... she probably does (or has already in the other slammed-door encounters along the way).

After composing herself, she walks on.

I hate it when that happens, don't you? But you know the good thing about closed doors in life? There's a pretty clear answer! Yea, it doesn't really give you that warm fuzzy feeling inside, but it's an answer nonetheless. I am always searching for "the answer" in life's adventures. It's good to remember that a "no" is as valid an answer as a "yes". And it's way more clear than a "maybe".

So today, while it's not always an enjoyable thing, I am thankful for closed doors. God provides these as much as the open doors. And it means that what lies ahead is better. Hey, open door! I can't wait to walk through you.