Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Feed 5000? No Big Deal.

I was reading the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand in the gospel of Mark (you know? the five loaves & two fishies story?). It was followed by yet another miracle where Jesus walks on water. All of this is pretty gnarly if you ask me... or if you ask anyone, for that matter. But as I was reading, something struck me as even more crazy. When Jesus came over to the disciples in their boat... through a storm... while walking on the water... the text says "They were totally amazed, for they still didn't understand the significance of the miracle of the loaves. Their hearts were too hard to take it in"

What the WHAT?! From my standpoint, I hear this story and say "Whoa, how can they not let that penetrate their hearts?! He turned these itty bitties into copious amounts of food!! It's sooo obvious!!"

And then I live my life and don't even acknowledge the goodness granted to me.

I know God is God and He can do anything. It's literally no big deal for God to do great things. He's God! But much like the disciples in this story, I treat it like it's no big deal. I feel like I probably take advantage of the knowledge of His infinite ability and hardly let it strike me!

So here's the thing... God is good. He provides. He doesn't even need us to be like "Oh look what You did!". He just takes care of His sheepies. But... at the same time... I want to see Him at work. I want to recognize His work! I want to thank Him for all His goodness!

I wonder how many miracles I encounter every day... but am so preoccupied and hard-hearted that I simply cannot see or recognize?

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading "One Thousand Gifts" right now and it's totally changing my perspective of what God gives and how to live a life of total thanks and amazement for what God gives. Go pick it up, seriously, it will rock your world.
