Sometimes I feel like trusting God is the same as living in denial.
Denial because the reality that's before me clearly is not necessarily favorable. Denial because it seems like nothing good can be sprung forth from what is. So in my head, saying I trust God is equated with denying that what's actually happening is happening.
But I guess that is actually what trust is. Trusting God is actually in control and not limited by what's before me. Trusting is denial in a sense. It's denying myself control and placing faith in Him. That He actually can give us miracles. He can. And He will. Because I think, I know and I've experienced that that is how God works. Through miracles. How quickly I forget when I face my next need. But the reality is my reality of madness ain't no thang for Him.
Oh God. I trust You. It is a little unnerving, but I trust You.
"It's a little unnerving, but I trust You." Yes! That has been my prayer for the last couple weeks along with, "Okay, I realize I prayed my will and not Thine, but I'm really upset about this outcome so help me as we move through it."