The food we eat is a part of who we are. If we're filling up on bad stuff, we're becoming that. I look back on my previous eating habits. The times when I'd just be so hungry and fill up on whatever would make the hunger pains subside. I could have been eating paste for all I knew. It tasted good & it satisfied my immediate craving.
But guess what? It goes beyond that. You see, I've been battling this little thing called digestion. My body literally hasn't been absorbing nutrients as it should. So no matter how healthy I might have been eating, it didn't matter. My bod just wasn't having it! How sad is that? We could be getting all the right stuff, but if we cannot digest it properly, there is hardly any good that can come of it.
So top notch nutrients come from raw foods, right? Right! BUT!!! My digestion was so whack that even that was too much for me to handle. So while all the nutritionalists & health articles had been telling to me to eat one way, it literally didn't do me any favors. I had to prep my food to integrate properly with my digestive tract. I couldn't force my body into something it wasn't ready for.
But beyond this physical thing, I've been enlightened. Yes. Such is life. I've reflected and pondered.
And God spoke to me.
The many things going into my heart, head and soul are reflected in who I am. Information, conversation, music... everything. As I fill myself with goodness... the things that I'm designed to run on... I'll be thriving in such a magnificent way. Likewise, if I am replacing the goodness with nasty, I'm changed accordingly.
But even so, if my heart is not ready to receive information and input... how can I be transformed by these good things? My soul needs work. Lots of it. Step in God. Thankfully He is good at restoration. Taking my faulty "digestive tract" and making it new... making absorption possible. Am I taking this too far? Maybe, but this is how all of this is resonating within me these days.
And with the whole thing on prep work. All I have to say is we are not made to fit formulas. Each person is custom made and so it makes perfect sense that there are adjustments needed in what we take in.
Does this make sense? It does to me. And thus concludes today's foodevotion.
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