Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Crummy Gone Yummy

I made a tasty dessert recently for a friend's birthday. It was devoured by me and those in my company. It was beautiful, smooth, balanced in flavor and just so perfec... wait. There's more to it than that. It was nearly a disaster at one point. Those that saw the end result had no idea how distraught I was while making it. Here's what happened...

I had this vision of a tart made with a spiced crust and a coconut-macadamia ice cream filling. I planned and prepped well in advance. I even special ordered a gluten free spice cookie mix that I intended to transform. Everything I could control was going great. Until bake time...

You think I (being the bakesta that I am) would know how to work with a mix, right? Well, let's just say I got pretty stuck. Yea, the crust stuck to the pan! Like, completely stuck. I was twirling the pan in an effort to move it even just a little bit! Nothing. How on earth was I supposed to present an elegant tart when I'd be wrestling it to slice a piece?!

I decided it was better for me to wrestle it before the birthday shindig arrived. So the battle began. After a lot of prodding I managed to get what most of it out. But it was deformed, so I started "shaping" it. Yes, I molded the crust. It was in an interesting state and pretty darn pliable. Eventually it resembled a rustic crust. I was happy with it. A good chunk of it was still left in the pan, but I was happy enough. I proceeded to fill it with coco-macadamia delight and popped it in the freezer. It wasn't the most beautiful thing in the world, but I knew it would at least taste good.

Time to wash that crust-covered pan. As I walked the tart pan to the sink I got sad thinking about the kitchen catastrophe. I saw the bits hanging onto the pan and hated that I was about to waste all of the tasty goodness.

And then BOOM!! Idea!!!

I grabbed platter and started clawing at the pan. I salvaged as much of the leftover crust as I could and ended up with a nice pile of sweetly spiced crumbs. I grabbed the tart out of the freezer and went to town covering it with cookie crumb goodness! It looked complete. I was actually quite pleased with it. And plus I saw it had having several texture components... which makes any dessert that much better!

Ah, I was so happy & satisfied.

And God spoke to me. Quick & simply, mind you.

Things can be annoyingly messy & seemingly a waste of everything. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense how anything of that ugly magnitude could be turned around. He takes my mess. My ugly, dirty mess and, in the way only He can do, He transforms things. Turns them into loveliness. As this song I heard years ago says "laaaaaaate in the midnight hour God's gonna turn it around!!"

And I believe it. If a fail of a dessert can turn lovely by my hands, think of all the good to be made out of us by the Maker of all things! What a delicious life is in store!